Where Did I Go?

A wizard from Ireland ask me if he can try out a spell on me. I said yes. He had a white and purple coat on with a blue hat. He had red hair, and a long red beard! He also was a dark voice. Nut sometimes it sounds like Minnie Mouse! He ask he one question. “What would you do if you were invisible for twenty-four hours?” I thought are a while, and finally said “well if I was invisible for twenty-four hours I would prank my sister and my dog…” he interrupted “Why?”
“Well my sister has done a lot of pranks on me in the past and I can never prank her!” He interrupted again “oh that’s interesting what else?”
“Maybe I will also do stuff that I can’t normally do. For example ride a bike to a shop and take something.” I said fast. “Then I would go to school and see test answers. I really need those!” Then wizard said “Well I can give you knowledge.”
“Umm, no thanks I don’t what to turn in a frog!” I said laughing.

What Happened?!

My family was in Greece for summer break. On the second week my mom surprised us with a boat that she’s rented. It was a white boat with a green, blue, and red fish. It was not a small boat, nor was it big. It had blue sails, and the Greek flag on one of the sails. Mom said “hop in we are living her for a week!” As she waved her hand back. I looked at her in disbelief. “Really mom?” I said. “Yes really.” My face lifted in to a big smile! Ad I hoped in. I few minutes passed and my dad saw a beach. “Hey bro you guys want to swim?” My sister and I stoped fighting over the top bunk and yelled “YES!” I could have swore that the whole world could hear us. My dad hopped out to make sure it was safe, and then gave us the signal that it was safe. We docked the boat, and jumped in! About an hour later. We had notice that our boat was gone! We were stranded. Dad jumped in the ocean and swam to our boat while mom and Katie were making a fire. “Dad has been gone for a while.” Mom said “yeah” i replied “hello Katie, Callie, Christine!” I turned there was my dad! On the boat. Mom jumped on the boat and kiss dad then helped us on the boat. Then we drove back to our home!

Remember Me?

My mom always said that I was a good kid. But I remember I was not. This blog will be about what my mom remembers and what I remember. My mom remembers that I loved to sleep, and she said “I remember when we were hanging out with your grandma and papa, and you said “good night” and when straight to bed.” Poor mom. I remember why I love to sleep. I will always close my door and put my pjs on, and hop in my crib. I had long white wooden planks with pink flowers.my mom and dad should tuck me in, and when the door closes. It’s party time. I would acted like I was on a boat. I had a pirate boyfriend named Ralph. Remember I was two or three. I would pretend that my cried was a jail, the end of a boat, or a hospitable bed. Sometimes I will be in the hospitable and in my head think that by “boyfriend” would cry and kiss me. I’m not kidding!

Rad Reading – January

This month I read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, by JK Rolling. It’s is Harry’s fourth year of Hogwards of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and a bizarre entire in Harry’s name into the Triwizard Tournament, in which he has to compete with love and he’s life on the line. This book has magic, horror, comedy, love, and thriller. I could not stop reading. Some part are very sad and make a cry, while others make me laugh my head off. So if you like this kinds of book, there is a hole series eight books to injoy! This is only the beginning of this series and it is awesome. That is why I like Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. From the beginning i like neville longbottom He is a funny, kind, and smart character. In the book he is a very smart guy, he help harry to complete on of the challenges! One of he famous quotes is “You know, if you’re interested in plants, you should use Goshawk’s Guide To Herbology. There’s someone in Tibet who’s growing gravity resistant trees… Harry: Neville, no offense, but I really don’t care about plants.” My favorite quote is “Who’re you going with, then?” said Ron.
“Angelina,” said Fred promptly, without a trace of embarrassment.
“What?” said Ron, taken aback. “You’ve already asked her?”
“Good point,” said Fred. He turned his head and called across the common room, “Oi! Angelina!”
Angelina, who had been chatting with Alicia Spinnet near the fire, looked over at him.
“What?” She called back.
“Want to come to the ball with me?”
Angelina gave Fred a sort of appraising look.
“All right, then,” she said, and she turned back to Alicia and carried on chatting with a bit of a grin on her face.
“There you go,” said Fred to Harry and Ron, “piece of cake.” Because when i was reading this at nine in the evening it made me laugh, and I woke up my sister!