This Year I Am Thankful For

I love thanksgiving and one thing I have is to make a thankful tree. Everyone in my family makes a leaf that says what you are thankful for. We all put three things that we are thankful for. My mom always puts “I’m thankful for my health girls.” My dad leaf always saids “I’m thankful for my heathy wife.” This year I’m been thinking what am thankful for. Well first I’m thankful for my health. Because my family has problems, not fighting or in trouble. We have medical problems. Like heart disease (my dad hands it), really bad migraines (I have that, and my dad), and skin cancer (my papa has that). I’m thankful for my health, because one day that can go away. Im grateful for my sport, aerials. Aerials has help stamina my health, and mental health. My dad said that if I didn’t do aerials I would have a higher chance of getting heart disease. During my years of Aerials i have made so many new friend that do and understand me!I’m also grateful for having a roof over my head. The hot weather and the rain would not be fun. I think that that is a good thing to put on my leaf. What would you put on your leaf?

Rad Reading- October

I read Ickabog by J. K. Rowling. The books plot is a monster called the Ickabog that lives in the marshlands. Ickabog loves eating sheep and people. People of the land feared it because of one lie. King Fred the Fearless is a scariedy cat. Dora Dovetail dies of overwork while trying to finish King Fred’s latest costume. Fred feels embarrassed , says no to visit her family, leading them to become mad at him, especially Dora’s daughter, Daisy. A fight with Daisy and her friend Bert Beamish when Daisy insults Fred. An accident in the marshes results in Beamish getting shot by Flapoon, one of Fred’s spires. Trying to rule the kingdom and become richer, Spittleworth, Flapoon lies and says that Beamish was killed by the Ickabog. And they use that lie to put fear in the people for money.

I love this plot because all of it comes together and forms a story that is sad, mysterious, and joyful in some parts. My favorite character is King Fred the Fearless. King Fred the Fearless was the king of the kingdom of Cornucopia. In the book King Fred is described having “yellow curls, a fine sweeping moustache, and looked magnificent in the tight breeches, velvet doublets, and ruffled shirts that rich men wore all the time.” King Fred is generous, smiled and waved whenever anyone caught sight of him. But, he was scared easily. In the book he is funny and not smart, which makes him a fun character. My favorite quote from the book is “Tears can heal a mind, as well as laughter.” This quote was said by Mr. Dovetail, Daisy Dovetail’s dad. This is a small but powerful quote.

The Genie’s Wishes

A genies has an appeared. He said to me “you have three wishes. But my only rule is you can’t wish for more wishes!” I thought for a while. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. I started to write down things I want like: money to help pay the bills, an aerial rig to practices everyday without wasting or worrying about gas, puppy to keep me company when my sister leaves (preferably a sheepadoodle), and a car for my sister to help her once she leaves. Once I was done I asked him “can everything on this paper appear in my garage?” The genie snapped and I heard a loud sound. Iran in my garage and found a money, an aerial rig, a sheepadoodle, and a car for my sister! The genie appeared and scared five years off my life. “Now! What is your seconded wish?” I thought for even longer. “Can all my family and friends be healthy?” And with that and a loud bang, my friends and family were healthy. “Now what is your last wish!?” Asked the genie so loud my ear rang. Without a second I said “for happiness in this world” I felt a nice breeze, and he was gone. With at experienced I noticed that everyone is happy, but too happy. I was kind of freaked out. A couple of day go by and I’m just scared. That night I called for the genie. Then again he appeared. “Please please” I begged “I don’t want to live in this world everyone is too happy” I started to cry. “Fine” and with that and a loud bang. Maybe I shouldn’t have tricked a genie.